Book Editing Services

At E&A Editing Services, we understand that the path to “happily ever after” isn’t always clear-cut, but with the right support, it’s within reach. With our expertise in romance and fantasy genres, we specialize in transforming your manuscript from a draft into a novel that you’ll be proud to share with readers.

But we offer more than a polished manuscript. We believe in supportive editing, which means we take the time to understand you as an author and your unique vision for your book. By fostering a collaborative relationship, we ensure that our edits not only enhance your writing but also stay true to your voice and story.

Your dreams are worth pursuing, and it’s our mission to help turn them into reality. Let us handle the editing so you can focus on chasing your literary dreams. With E&A Editing Services by your side, your journey to success is just beginning.

Our Services

  • This is our most popular editing option and for good reason! This edit is primarily a line and copy edit combination, which means we look in depth at every word and every line while providing developmental feedback and questions that are vital to the story being understood by readers. All edits are provided in an accept or reject format via Microsoft Word. The main focuses of this type of edit are:

    • Typos

    • Grammatical errors

    • Word usage and choices

    • Redundancy

    • Rhythm

    • Impact

    • Consistency with characters, tense, story, and timelines

    • Questions regarding character and story development

    • Suggestions on elements that may be missing or that could enhance the story

    With this edit, you will get the hands-on support many authors miss out on in the early days of writing, starting with our connection call where we discuss your goals, communication style, and expectations of editing. We perform two rounds of review and a clear timeline to weed out errors. E&A Editing Services is dedicated to giving authors the tools to review, approve, and implement our suggestions. The final package includes:

    • Fully marked-up manuscript with copyedits, line edits, and developmental queries

    • Style Sheet (technical rules applied, story rules tracked, and full book timeline) These range from 9-16 pages of information

    • In-text commentary

    • Final Edit Letter

    • How to Read Your Edits Guide

    • Post-edit call

    Starts at $.03/wordTime Expectation: 4-8 weeks depending on schedule availability

    *Starting rates are a starting point and depend on individual work and assessment of work by the editor.

    Testimonial: “Brittany cleaned up the copy with a good eye for detail. I'm grateful that she caught several inconsistencies so I could fix them. Brittany was professional and polite, with no judgment about the content of the book. I've had editors in the past who weren't so kind in their edits, and you were supportive and helpful. The initial call we had gave me confidence.”-Michelle McCraw, Author of Tempt Me

  • This is a service for experienced authors who are sure their love story or fantasy novel are nearly ready to publish. Copyediting is a technical look at your book. It’s meant to be a clean-up service when the developmental and line work has been completed. All edits are provided in an accept or reject format via Microsoft Word.

    This edit includes:

    • Typo and word choice corrections

    • Grammar fixes

    • Punctuation changes

    • Consistency checks

    • Usage implementations around italics, quotations, and dialogue

    • Redundancy: word and Sentence

    • CMOS alignment

    • Timeline efficiency

    • Plot hole flags

    • Bias/legality checks

    With this edit, you still receive our hands-on, supportive editing provided in the above service and also start with a connection call with the editor. We provide two rounds of review for your book to make sure as many errors as possible are caught before it’s returned to you. We think our authors all deserve to ask questions and feel confident in the edits they receive. A complete copyedit includes:

    • Fully marked-up manuscript with copy edits

    • In-text comments

    • Style Sheet

    • How to Read Your Edits Guide

    • Final Edit Letter

    • Post-edit call

    Starts at .02/wordTime expectation: 3-6 weeks depending on schedule availability

    *Starting rates are a starting point and depend on individual work and assessment of work by the editor.

    Testimonial: "I really appreciate you and your team's ability to identify the heart of the story and highlight it through edits. Whether that means rewording something, reworking something, or removing something, the manuscript is always better thanks to your team's set of eyes."-Melissa Chernow, Publisher

  • Even the best editors can only be 95% accurate, which is where proofreaders come in.

    Our proofreaders are meant to be the final set of eyes on your book. They’re the most effective when the book has been through an editor, has been revised by the author, and has been formatted. We do not require that you have to have had your book edited with E&A Editing Services to utilize our proofreading service. We are able to utilize any style sheet given by other editors and will uphold any consistency or style guide you’re using. Our proofreaders are meant to help you catch errors that could drive you nuts as an author.

    Proofreads focus on:

    • Spelling

    • Punctuation

    • Consistency

    • Formatting errors

    Our proofreading service is designed to make your book ready for consumption because the more eyes on your manuscript, the more errors are eliminated from your work. We make sure our proofreaders are trained and experienced to ensure not just anyone is looking at your book. Final proofreading deliverables are:

    • Marked-up manuscript

    • Any commentary regarding plot holes and problems, if necessary

    Starts at $.01/word + $100 admin fee

    Time expectation: 2-3 weeks

    • Starting rates are a starting point and depend on individual work and assessment of work by the editor.

    Testimonial: “It was a great experience!!”-LC Pye, Author of The Choosing Series

  • The mini manuscript evaluation provides a developmental look at the first eight thousand words of your manuscript.  Though small, the assessment of these early pages allow the editor to provide you in-text and written feedback on your:

    • Hook

    • Catalyst

    • Pacing

    • Early transition

    • Characterizations

    • Dialogue effectiveness

    • Individual chapter assessments

    • Early structural effectiveness

    • Showing and telling ratio

    • Potential problem areas

    Our mini manuscript evaluation is ideal for three types of authors:

    1. Authors whose manuscripts are not ready for traditional editing packages. This would be authors that exceed a 20% editing need or whose work has been rejected by editors for not being “ready.” This service can help point authors toward errors of editing that they may have missed or help as a guide to resources for self-editing.

    2. Authors who have lost the direction and love of their manuscript. A look at the early direction and structure of your story can serve as valuable insight into what should be happening to get your book to the finish line.

    3. Authors with a low editing budget who still want some professional feedback. Editing can be a large investment and having a professional editor look at even some of your book and provide their guidance and resources can prove valuable.

    These early pages are the place where readers are most likely to put your book down. The goal is to make that less likely. Readers don’t always know why they put books down, but we do. We will provide specific comments and written explanations and suggestions for improvement in the front of the novel including tips for moving forward.

    A mini manuscript evaluation includes:

    • Edited 8k words with in-text commentary

    • A mini manuscript evaluation letter

    • A personalized resource list

    • A post-evaluation call

    Rate: $350

    Time expectation: 1 week

    Testimonial: “I am so glad I did. I learned a lot about what I needed to work on and her feedback helped me improve my overall story despite her reviewing only the first 10%. She also recommended resources for me to study to grow as a writer after discussing what I needed to work on. I spent a month reading books on writing and editing and when I started my next round of changes to prepare for my full edit, I was far better equipped to fix my manuscript. I now understand a lot of writing basics that I either didn't fully understand before or didn't even know existed. Both myself as a writer and my manuscript are both better for having used this service- 10/10.” -Alexa Medhus, Author of The Shield

  • After two years of supportive editing, we’ve brought on book coaching to further support our romance and fantasy authors. We use our extensive education and experience on successful storytelling in the romance and fantasy genres to guide and support authors on their journey to completing their books. We focus on what authors want to focus on and act as a partner in the writing process. Book coaching is designed for three purposes, which are:

    • Getting unstuck: This is for when you’ve lost your sense of direction. It’s so easy to be so in the trees that you’ve lost sight of the forest. Our role in these sessions is to help you to navigate your way out of the place where you’re stuck and to help you move forward with ease.

    • Accountability: Best for authors on a deadline and have let their procrastination take over. We step in to help you break down your scheduling and creative needs and build a plan to get your book to its next stage. Often we find authors are not struggling with time management but with other creative blockers, so we’re here to slay those fears.

    • Skill building: Designed for authors that have found, in editing or through other feedback, that they are underdeveloped in a particular skill. We step in with years of education and experience to provide a safe space to learn and explore the skill you’re looking to build.

    This is one of our most customizable services. We offer this as individual sessions and as a 5-pack bundle of sessions to make sure you are meeting your goals with the support you need. Each session includes:

    • A pre-session questionnaire

    • 60 min video call with personalized coaching

    • Post-call summary

    Rate: Single-$50 5-pack-$225

    Time Expectation: 1 hour per session, 24 hours for summary

    Testimonial: “I can definitely feel the heart more and I’ve added some new chapters! Thank you so much for the coaching session! It was needed and so helpful!”-Fantasy Author